Vnc client portable windows
Vnc client portable windows

vnc client portable windows

Note that you can use just one port or many ports. The names you use are arbitrary, but vnc or something related to it is a logical choice. You should add entries for any ports you want to assign to VNC. This file gives names to various TCP and UDP ports. Once you've configured the XDMCP server, you should edit your /etc/services file. You can configure the XDMCP server to be more promiscuous in the connections it accepts, but if this isn't necessary, it can be a bit of a security risk, particularly if the computer is accessible to the world at large, and you use firewall rules or super server security settings to restrict access to the VNC server. Both the XDMCP server and the VNC server will be running on the same computer, and the XDMCP server only needs to accept connections from the VNC server.

vnc client portable windows

You should configure your XDMCP server to accept remote connections, with one possible exception: you can use Xaccess rules or firewall rules to restrict XDMCP access to the local computer itself. The result is that, when users connect to the VNC server, they'll be greeted by a GUI login screen that's similar to the one they see when logging in at the console or via an XDMCP-enabled remote X server.īefore proceeding, check the earlier Section 11.2.5. To work around this problem and create a more typical Linux-style login experience, you can tie VNC to an XDMCP server. This approach certainly works, but it can be a bit awkward if arbitrary users should have access to the VNC server. Instead of connecting to the server using a fixed port and entering a username and password to gain entry, you must log in using a text-mode tool or run the server while you're at the console, then connect using a port number that you must remember and enter a password (but no username). The usual mode of VNC's operation is peculiar by Linux server standards. Hopefully someone around here has done this before and can tell me if this worked for them? (I'm using Mint Mate 13 on this desktop that will be used as a "jump host" into a protected network). Found this set of instructions on making VNC work with GDM.

Vnc client portable windows